Community Outreach & Partners

Community Outreach

Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Cold Weather

As we look ahead to the forecasted weather,  we anticipate needing an increased number of volunteers to assist in Point-in-Time (PIT) Count efforts, along with additional overnight Crisis Cold Weather Shelter volunteers. Additional overnight shelter volunteers will likely be needed Saturday, Janurary 18th through Thursday, January 23rd.  Additional PIT Count volunteers will be needed to conduct surveys at the additional overflow Crisis Cold Weather Shelters the evening of Wednesday, January 22nd. If you are willing and able to assist with these efforts, please contact Emily Fessler ( 


The annual HUD-mandated PIT Count is a crucial undertaking that impacts local HUD funding for homeless services and give us better data-driven insight into those we serve. 

Volunteers Needed for ODC Service to the Community 

Ozarks Dharma Community is partnering with many other local organizations to help feed those in need this winter. Through this effort, meals will be available to folks in need each night. ODC will make sack dinners to be distributed on the following dates: 

We need a lot of volunteers to make this happen! If you're interested in helping,  click here to sign up.

Thanks in advance for your generosity and spirit in giving!

Community Partners

Fellow organizations whose missions we recognize and support.

Recovery Dharma supports individuals on their path of recovery from addiction using Buddhist practices and principles. Visit their website for more information about this grass roots, global organization.

Springfield Missouri Recovery Dharma meets:   Tuesdays 7 pm.   Fridays 8 pm.  

These peer-led meetings are held in the NACC Parlor Room (directions).  

This a great, welcoming and supportive group of people. Check it out. 

They also have a private Facebook page you can join

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  National Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is an open and inclusive, progressive community of faith with a heart for social justice housed in a traditional and liturgical framework. For more information, visit their website